Wednesday, 27 July 2011

2 sleeps till Move in Day!


Only two more days till we move in!!!! I'm very excited but also the worry of all the bills etc is starting to hit me. I'm a little scared but I'm sure it will be ok.

I have decided to not go mad with the whole house tour thing, as extra I'm just going to buy some squash, bake some flapjacks and some chocolate crispy cakes and that is all!
I really wanted to buy my mum and dad something as a thankyou as they have been so helpful and supportive, mum says no that defeats the whole object, so I though ok doesn't really make sense. Instead I'll just get them a nice card and I might cross stitch them a picture.

I have nearly finished my picture for the house, its a cross stitch of a house and garden and says home is where you hang your heart. Originally I thought I could sell my cross stitch but it's takes far to long to make any profit! I do love doing it though.
Not sure if I have time to finish it by Friday but I'll give it a go.

Sorted the gas and electric out and received £40 cash-back!

So far all together I have made £108/£170 the save £10 a day challenge is really motivating.

Started to sort through I few more bits, checked all my Amazon listings. I may sell a few Wii games at Gamestation when I'm in town tomorrow. They are going for about £4 on amazon I doubt I would get much at a car boot so will see what Gamestation will offer. Better than them sitting on a shelf getting old.

Still have to sort and keep packing but it's defiantly getting there.

I really need to try and get another job sorted but then on the other hand OH is home for 3 weeks on Thursday I'll be back at work in Sep. In the mean time there is lots of house stuff to be getting on with so it's tricky do I just wait it out? Things at work may improve in Sep I may have loads of hours so no need to worry but you never know. I need to keep looking really at least just go for the jobs I really like.

So today I'm going to try and check out pigsback as this has been mentioned a few times to me, see what that is all about. Job hunt and do a little cross stitch in the garden if the sun comes back out!

Over and out for now!

Little Miss Excited

Monday, 25 July 2011

Week Six to Seven

Oh dear another week over already scary!

We move into our house on Friday I'm very excited!!! I think we are almost ready! 4 sleeps to go!

Still waiting on the council to get to us about the tax. I've think I've worked out the best deal for gas and electric- a little confusing for someone has no idea! Got a deal just need to sort it all out tomorrow, should get £40 cash-back and £100 back just by setting up direct debits! Although I won't get this as a lump sum, they take it off each month.

I feel like I should buy a few more things for the house tour get together, I have a small pack of biscuits and shortbread a couple of bottles of wine, pack of cider, pack of fosters a bottle of carva and I think I may have some other sparkly somewhere. I'll buy some more squash as I think most people will be driving. I'm not really worried about the drink situation but I might get some more cakes etc.
OH says I'm going over the top but I'm excited and I don't want people to think we are tight and I don't want people to be hungry. I just don't know how long people are going to stay for. Hmmmm anyway.....

Got some bargains at the car boot, a cooling rack for 50p dust pan and brush for a pound and a sweeping brush for a pound.
Also received some freebies off OH's mum, tooth paste X2, ice cube tray, dove moisturizer, massage oil, E45 wash, bubble bath and a detergent for the washing. Just can't beat freebies!
Updated my house furnish and decoration budget so I know exactly how much everything is going to cost in turn does help in the money saving.

For the rest of the week it's just going to be boring house things I'm afraid. Packing up and tidying I was going to put some bits on ebay but I don't think I'm going to have time to post things off if it sells. So I'll wait till we are a bit more settled in the house.

This Week:
1. Set up gas and electric.
2. Pack up another 5 boxes.
3. Finish cross stitch tree.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Much to do about nothing...

Hello again just a quick update whilst I wait for lunch to cook!

I have been sorting out house things so far this week. I have finished all paper work yes at last!!!

I have also sorted though my house spreadsheet, I've started to list everything we will need for each room and the get an estimate for this. Unfortunately we can't do it all at once. But at least now I can check more easily that we are on target and not overspending. A lot more user friendly. I am becoming the spreadsheet queen!

Packing is coming along just packing what I can when I mange to accumulate a few boxes. Although its a little exciting it's mainly very boring.

Today I have sorted out the water yay and I hoped to sort out the council tax, OH works for the army, his main residence is at camp, he even pays council tax for it! We should get a 50% discount on our council tax, but my council doesn't want to play ball! I have been busy getting some more information, spoke to the AFF (Army families federation) got a get piece of legislation which says we are entitled to it! Yay so have e-mailed this off so I'm sure a bit more work to do on this but I'm not giving up!
I know people might think oh lucky you but the amount of money OH spends driving back to from camp on weekends is insane so this will make a huge difference. I'd rather pay full tax and have OH home all the time. *Sigh

So yes today I'll try and sort this out if I can, I'm hoping to start looking at a few jobs now the hard work is done and there is little to do now till we move in next week.

The whole job thing is stressing me out, I wont start back at the college till end of Sep now, I feel so bad having nothing to do all day! Luckily I have had the chance to sort out all the house things so in some ways this has been the best time to have the time off!
I just need to make the effort to keep looking and actually applying!

I know what I'll do today too, try and sort out OH birthday present! I thought I saw an amazing deal to see Michael Macintyre for £35 each, all good started getting excited planning it all only to work out it was for next year lol! So I'm going to try and find something just as good.

I'll also try to complete a few surveys if i can.

Hope everyone is have a good day!

Monday, 18 July 2011

Week Five to Six- I love you Quidco!!!

Good afternoon all!:)

The weekend went soooo fast and I had the whole weekend off too. (I usually work one day over the weekend just for a few pennies.)

Not sure if I mentioned this before, obviously me and OH need buildings insurance so went on money supermarket found the best deal on Esure, went through Quidco and it said make £40 cash back so thought hmmm ok well it would be nice but doubt I'll get it. Went through insurer direct which saved me £24 anyway and then! Got the £45 cash back in my account made my week!!!

Told OH about the cash back he was quite shocked I don't think he really believed me when I have mentioned it to him before, now seeing it in the account he wants to buy everything off Quidco!
I think he's defiantly getting there, I have examples:) we didn't go into town this weekend as he said "it's all extra money!" Not only that but we had been drinking as we were at a house party at that point! I was quite proud deep down lol and I picked up 5p at a store we were in the other day, and said oh dave (we call each other dave people must think we are odd) found 5p he seemed chuffed and said it could go into the change pot we have. :T
It's just so much easier if we both have the same attitude.

Although I have to say we haven't had a great NS weekend, we brought a dinning table which was on offer from £1399 to £1099 and then we got 25% off with a cadbury card so brought it down to £845 with delivery. I know it's a lot of money but we also got a lot of table for our money, and it should last us for years and years!

Also went to a house party. OH annoyed me and brought 12 beers which everyone else at this party seemed to drink, was a bit of a waste to bring so many, I did tell him that at the time but he said he didn't want to be tight. I brought a bottle of wine so that was about £13 for the booze for the party.

Talking about our house tour my mum has brought me some coffee, tea biscuits for it, really sweet and saves me having to buy it bless her.:)

We also went to Nandos which was so lush it's a real treat, then went furniture shopping, didn't buy anything large but got a few little bits for the house. We are getting there though we are now onto kettle and toasters but we like the really expensive ones! Going to try and wait till one comes on offer or something. I know it sounds like we just spend but we don't honest.:D We have under spent on the majority of things we need by going to car boots, charity shops etc. So may splurge a little on the things we really like.

Been reading a thread on MSE it's called make £10 a day, it's about saving £10 a day in whatever way you can, for more information see Little Miss Challenge. I may start this off sounds like a good motivator. :) Have started that on the 15th so worked out I need to save £170 by the end of the month. With the £45 from Quidco not too far away.

Major update on things sorry it's a bit long.

For this week I need to do especially as I am off all week woo!:D
1. Complete that last damm assignment!
2. Invite anyone else left on the list to the house tour.
3. Go to the docs later get tester for diabetes I keep putting this off so I have to go!!!
4. Look at online deals for gas, elec, water, phone, internet etc. (Remember Quidco!)
5. List 99p items on ebay if this is free?
6. Sort through house and start packing!
7. Complete cross stitch tree:)
8. Call council about getting single persons tax allowance.
9. Keep money saving where poss try and get back onto surveys etc..

Keep going money savers!:D

July £45/ £170

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Busy, busy bee

I have now finished staff training I was one of the only agency staff that bothered to turn up, I know we don't get paid but it's still free training!
Busy day for me, managed to get through two assignments! Yes! Just another two to go and then I am free!!! Hopefully get them done tomorrow!

Had a no spend today yay!

Just looked to get some home insurance, got a quote for £160 on money supermarket checked it out on Quidco turns out your can receive £45 cashback for a joint policy and £25 for a single policy. I had to go through Esure direct to get the cashback but when I went to add OH's occupation it wouldn't let me go any further because he works in the forces!
I'm going to call esure tomorrow to see what they say! I have the quotes for a joint policy (works out cheeper too at £136.52 so a saving of £23.48 even without cash back) so at least I know what it should be, I don't see why we should get discriminated against! Huff over!

Also I have completed a survey on one poll for 10p woo!

Might go to wash my hair, oh and talking about that. My conditioner was running out and I didn't want to jump out of the shower wet to grab another so just poured a little water in and shook up had plenty left. I've done this for the last four washes!!! It's great saves me a little money! Every little helps

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork!

Hello all!

Sorted through loads of paperwork today, recycled a load saves bringing it to the new house!
Have decided to get a safe as soon as possible, some women today walked up our drive and practically into the house as we had the side gate and back door open, we saw her luckily and she said something about wanting to buy some stuff out of the garage? I think she was trying her luck maybe thought she could pinch something. Really scary, my parents live in quite a rurule location but on a busy road bit of a contradiction I know! So it's odd when we have people walking up to the house. Worried me a bit defiantly have to keep the house secure!
So been through the paperwork shreaded a load of stuff and sorted all my personal info I need to keep i.e bank statements in one folder to put into a safe when I get one.:)

Might complete some more assignments tonight get them out of the way! I feel I have been quite productive today. :T

Off to look at some paint what an exciting life I do lead!!!

Monday, 11 July 2011

Week Four to Five

Soo weekly update!

We have exchanged last Friday the 8th July!:D Due to move in on the 29th and lovely Mr.Big has already started inviting people over for the day we move in!!! I know he's excited but blimey, I understand his thinking lets get people in it's not going to be a housewarming more of a tour, because the house needs some work doing. So it's going to be a building site for a few weeks, the plan is to get people in early.
Mr. Big seems to think we can just have people over without providing any drinks, nibbles or even chairs!:eek: I'm a little worried I need to sort something out! Thanks Mr.Big!

I have a bit of staff training this week and lots of admin work to do before the weeks out. I'll be buy with that I feel like I never have time to do surveys or anything like that anymore!

I think for the next few weeks I'm going to try and hunt for the best prices on stuff needed to decorate the house, create a spreadsheets with these prices yay! :p Sort out all my paper work. :) And try and look for another job.
Oh and get the best prices for gas, electric, internet etc etc....

I will try and make money when I can but realistically it's probably not going to happen.

I'll do my best!!!

Good luck Money savers!